COURSE – Introduction to the studio in English Tue 23.4. at 18-20

Date: Tuesday 23rd April, from 18:00 to 20:00.

Place: Studio of Kameraseura (Helsinki Camera Club), Tallberginkatu 1 B, 4th floor (Kaapelitehdas). See a video how to arrive:

Price: Members 20 euros or young members 10 euros (under age of 25).

Maximum of 12 participants.

Register and pay the course fee in advance in the online store, where you can see more dateiled info.


Read the studio rules on the website of the Kameraseura before coming to the orientation:

Note The orientation is intended for members who already have strong expertise with studio photography, but who haven’t received the rights to use the Kameraseura’s studio. A participation in either the orientation or the studio basics course is required to book the new studio in Kaapelitehdas.

During the orientation, the studio practices of the Kameraseura will be reviewed; how the rental is done, where to get the keys, where to find the booking calendar, etc. The participants will be familiarized with the equipment and safety issues found in the studio. You can also bring your own camera to test the lights.

After the orientation, participants have the rights to rent the studio. However, the educator can state that a participant needs an additional basic course to rent the studio. Members who have not photographed in a studio before are only allowed to rent the studio after taking the basics of studio photography course. You can also book a private course at private introduction to the studio.

In the studio, it is strongly advised to wear wool socks, indoor slippers, or clean summer shoes.

Educator Teemu Ojala. 

Alkaa: 23.04.2024 - 18:00
Loppuu: 23.04.2024 - 20:00

Kameraseuran studio
Kaapelitehdas, Tallberginkatu 1 B, 4. krs
00180 Helsinki