Shooting the Stars – A guide to Astro Photgraphy

This month will be an introduction into night sky photography. Wether it be the shooting the stars, the Milky Way or deep space objects, our class will give you the basic knowledge to get you started in this awesome genre of photography.
We have composed a comprehensive power point presentation full of useful tips and information to help on your way to creating fantastic images of the sky at night.
Our class will begin at 18.00 and last for approximately 2 hours after which, if the weather permits we shall go to Lauttasaari and try to photograph the Milky Way.
The evening of the 19.10 there will be a new moon, meaning that the moon will not be visible and the sky will be dark. Unfortunately we cannot predict the weather. If it is cloudy or raining we will go another time.
You will need a camera capable of shooting in Manual mode, a lens with the widest aperture that you have and a sturdy tripod.
Dress accordingly! Remember that it can get cold at night, so dress warmly.
Thanks go to Kameraseura´s Persona club managers for allowing to use their club time, making this event possible.

Alkaa: 19.10.2023 - 18:00
Loppuu: 19.10.2023 - 23:00

Kameraseuran kerhotila
Kaapelitehdas, Tallberginkatu 1 B, 4. krs
00180 Helsinki