Shooting Film from the Shadows

Stealth Street photography. Punavuori is a thriving area full of restaurants, bars, coffee shops, doorways, archways, churches, shops and bustling with people and activity.
We will meet at the corner of Yrjönkatu and Iso-Roobertinkatu at 18.00
This evenings idea is shoot film from a slightly hidden position and to try and photograph people as the go about their daily life. A long lens will be advisable for this type of photography.
If you don´t posess a film camera off course a digital camera will also be welcome.
We will move around Iso-Roobertinkatu, Yrjönkatu and Korkeavuorenkatu trying to get some great images.
After the shoot we can get together for a drink in Black Door pub, Iso-Roobertinkatu 1 at 20.00

Alkaa: 30.05.2024 - 18:00
Loppuu: 30.05.2024 - 20:00