
This month we will try our hand at reflection photography. We shall meet at the corner of Unioninkatu and Aleksanterinkatu at 18.00 and try to get some reflections of the Cathedral and surrounding streets, Sofiankatu, for example is very photogenic with reflections.

In the case of rain, we can use the natural puddles and if the weather is dry we can bring some water with us and create puddles ourselves. If that be the case, could everyone please bring a small bottle of water (1/2 litre). If there is snow, which is a strong possibility, we can photograph reflections in shop windows and trams etc……

In the grand old HECC tradition, we will meet in a pub for aftershoot drinks. This time will be Helsinki Bryggeri, in Sofiankatu at 20.00

Alkaa: 27.02.2025 - 18:00
Loppuu: 27.02.2025 - 21:00