Competition for Xmas photo

Kameraseura and Kamera-lehti Christmas greetings will be sent again next week by email.
The Christmas greeting will be on the web-page of both as well.
To choose the photo for the greeting there is a competition for all the members again.

To participate and have your photo as The One please follow these rules:
Time to participate ends on Monday 15.12. at 15:00.

Photo should be a landscape form, width 800 px.
You must have full rights to the photo.
There should not be any text added on the photo.

Please load the photo here:

Select the exhibition: ”Exhibition name”: 14th Helsingin kameraseura Joulukortti 2014
”Add image”
Choose ”Series”: Joulukortti 800 px
Add ”Image name”.
”Selaa” choose your photo from your folders.
”Upload” the photo.

You can participate with max. 4 photos not published earlier.

After uploaded all photos you can sign out.
Before that you can create yourself a password to return to program later ”Profile – Change password.”
Do not go to ”PAY”, since this is all free.
This means that you do not need to press any Send-button.

With any problems call Leena tel. 09-6811 4910.
The winner is chosen by the staff of Kamera-lehti: Asko, Minna and Ronja.
The winner will get a book as a prize.

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