International Group April 2014

The International Group’s Photographers@KS meeting will be on Wednesday, April 2 at 18:00.
 Our guest speaker for this meeting will be Sakari Mäkelä. Sakari’s talk will be about his photographic works as well as video works.

Here are examples of Sakari’s work on 500px,  YouTube and on his own website

Remember to bring your images for the image critiqueThe topic for the critique will be announced on our Facebook page: International Group of Kameraseura.
You can bring physically printed images for the group to look at or email your images to us at pix4international @ so they can be shown using the projector.

On Friday, April 18 at 18:00 the Friday Night Workshop will be held.
 The subject for the evening is still being developed. Watch the Facebook group page for the latest information: International Group of Kameraseura.

We will have coffee, tea and snacks.
See you there!

Javier, Ali and Alan

Kaikki artikkelit