Black & White Long Exposures

This month we will be exploring Black & White photography and for those who have an ND ( neutral density ) filter, also long exposures.

For b&w photography only a camera is required but for long exposures a tripod and at least a 10 stop ND filter will be needed.
Anything less than 10 stops will be quite useless as it is so still bright in the evening.

At the end of Särkiniementie is a car park, we can meet up there at 18.00 o’clock.
For those traveling be public transport, a n 21 bus will get you to Itälahdenkatu with only a 5 min walk to the car park.


Host: Damien Hayes

📍 Date: Thursday, June 29th
📍 Time: 18:00
📍 Location: end of  Särkiniementie car park

Alkaa: 29.06.2023 - 18:00
Loppuu: 29.06.2023 - 20:00