Eddie Iles’ exhibition presentation

Eddie Iles esittelee muutamia näyttelynsä taustoja, kuvin ja videoin vuosien 1980–2020 ajalta englanniksi.

A Presentation by the Eddie Iles, about his encounters with people in pictures and videos from 1980 till 2020.
The sections include:

  • Maltese Characters and Malta’s events
  • Then a section called ’La Dolce Vita’ portraying Finns dressed colourfully
    during street events, untypically extrovertly!
  • The third print section is Body Beautiful, which is perhaps self
    explanatory. These print are the freshest photographs taken and printed.
  • The mute video slideshows present the Finland Beckoned  I-III series that
    Eddie started in 2001 and completed in 2012 by assignment for the Helsinki
    City’ bi-centenary exhibition Head and Heart, a joint exhibition.
  • A 2003 video portrait of an English lady Peggy is screened in the side

Join the presentation in Microsoft Teams by clicking this link.

Alkaa: 21.01.2021 - 18:00
Loppuu: 21.01.2021 - 19:00

Etäyhteydellä virtuaalinen kokous