6.9. International group 6 p.m.

AUTUMN of 2017

During our meetings we will have creative monthly photography challenges!

I will give you 4 separate themes, you will have one month to turn those into photographs, and then share them with us at our meetings.

Few basic rules:
1. Only one image per theme
2. Only new images please, no digging in your archives
3. Be creative!
4. Photo manipulation allowed and encouraged
5. Have fun!
6. No sharing online until the monthly meeting
(New rules might come up if there is a need!)
So, let’s play!
P. S. Please bring images on USB flash, no shearing or leaving them online in our Fb group!

September 2017, Wednesday, 06.09
Theme – SUMMER. Please bring your best 4 photographs that you have done during this summer. Or you can make a creative image with this theme.


See more: https://kameraseura.fi/kerhot/international-evening/

Kaikki artikkelit