International Group

The International Group of Kameraseura welcomes all who want to experience photography in English. Our monthly meetings are usually held on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 18:00.

KAMERASEURA IS in Eerikinkatu 46, 00180 Helsinki  (map)

All meetings are included in membership fee and require no prior registration. The membership application can be found here.


Kameraseura exhibition AITA 2017


Galleria Veranda, Finlandia-talo


AUTUMN of 2017


During our meetings we will have creative monthly photography challenges!

I will give you 4 separate themes, you will have one month to turn those into photographs, and then share them with us at our meetings.

Few basic rules:
1. Only one image per theme 
2. Only new images please, no digging in your archives 
3. Be creative!
4. Photo manipulation allowed and encouraged 
5. Have fun!
6. No sharing online until the monthly meeting
(New rules might come up if there is a need!)
So, let’s play!
P. S. Please bring images on USB flash, no shearing or leaving them online in our Fb group!



September 2017, Wednesday, 06.09

Theme – SUMMER. Please bring your best 4 photographs that you have done during this summer.  Or you can make a creative image with this theme.


October 2017, Wednesday, 04.10 – CANCELLED!

But the creative challenge continues! Themes are MACHINE, FRACTION, FOCUS, CLOTH


November 2017, Wednesday, 01.11



December 2017, Wednesday, 06.12

The last meeting of this year will be held on December 6th.

This will be THE LAST International Group meeting. The group will be closed down.

Let’s have a party! Food and drinks are welcome, as well as your best photos of 2017.

For those who want more challenge: bring one image with the theme FUTURE. Creativity highly encouraged!




Here are some images from our previous creative challenges:


January 2017, Wednesday, 04.01

Let’s get to know our new meeting space and have a nice time sharing best photographs! Bring with you an USB stick with your best photos of 2016! See you soon!


February 2017, Wednesday, 01.02

Themes for February meeting: FISH, PINK, BREEZE, SQUARE

And here are some results! Images by Weijie, Sami, Rasa, Matti, Saija, Tua. For more check our Fb page!

16463355_1852755768295045_7454381028519411789_o 16388048_1852757154961573_3372356915507123924_n 16388146_1852756351628320_2146742654190684333_n 16422493_1852757238294898_2215942835233411463_o 16427500_1852756328294989_8382021684085045690_n 16427704_1852756798294942_5850836546837168011_n

March 2017, Wednesday, 01.03

Themes for March meeting: RED, EVENING, SMALL, FINGERS

Results of this awesome challenge! Images by Anatoli, Rasa, Tua, Wijie, Vera

2017_03KSInternational_EVENING-1 evening_anatoli _MG_6139-Edit Hands (1 of 1) RedSharper (1 of 1) DSC04935001 Small_Vera_Protopopova_m anatoli_small

April 2017, Wednesday, 05.04

Let’s get it a bit more complicated! Themes for April meeting: CARROT, EXCESS, POISON, DISCO

The guest speaker – Julius Sepponen, the magician of special effects makeup!

Images by Saija, Iida, Rasa, Eddie, Weijie, Sami

CARROT-2 CARROT-1 Disco_SP _MG_7241-Edit DISCO Excessbw_SP EXCESS Poison_SP DSC05970004 POISON

May 2017, Wednesday, 03.05

Themes for May: CLAIM, FIRE, MOVE, DOLL

Images by Rasa, Ida, and Sami




Some practical information


Fees in 2017

Registration 30€ (youths under 25y – 5€)
Annual membership 91€ (youths under 25y – 15€)
Annual membership for another family member 41€

Digital workroom

Epson printer A5 – € 0.40, A4 -€ 0.75,  A3 = 1,50 € ,  A2 = 3 €
Each uses their own printing paper
To work with printer, orientation course must be completed, or guidance of more experienced Kameraseura member is required. more info here

Darkroom, Runeberginkatu 36

more info here


Contact us:

international (at) Follow us on  Facebook   or join our Google+  community

Kaikki artikkelit